- Reflex is the simplex type of response. It is very quick and is involuntary (automatically happen without you being able to consciously controlling it).
- Reflex reactions are often for self-protection, such as blinking, sneezing, or pulling your hand away from a hot object.
- stimulus --> receptor --> sensory neurone --> relay neurone in CNS --> motor neurone --> effector --> response
- The small nerve called relay nerve in the spinal cord directly connects sensory nerve to the motor nerve so the response can take place.
- They know which relay nerve to target because it is encoded within our DNA.
Example :The reflex arc for touching hot object:
Stimulus (pain sensor responding to heat) --> sensory neuron --> spinal cord --> relay neuron --> motor neuron --> effector (muscles) --> response (pulling your hand away from the heat source)
(credits to Michelle)