Sunday 24 April 2011

3.3a - Insect Pollination

1.Process of pollinating flower - transfer of pollen grains from the anther from one plant to a stigma of another.
2. Pollen small structure which contains the male nuclei and the transfer by the insects

3.The flower must attract the insects into the flower and have the reason to go to the second
Cross pollination = when pollen goes from one plant to another

Adaptation of flower to attract Insect : 
Signals - Colour petals
            - Scents
Value - Food nectaries / Fructose
          - Pollen Protein

Stamen ( male) = anther -> makes the pollen & filaments ( stalk)
Carpel ( female) = stigma ( where the pollen falls) , style ( connects stigma to the ovary)
eggs in the plant are called Ovules


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