Tuesday 14 June 2011

4.12 Greenhouse Effect

a) uv-light (sun) short or high energy
b)50% of the light reflect back to space
c) Absorption of earth surface
UV light convert to infra red
d) Infra red light - then reflect backward
e) some of this lost to space - heat
f) Some of the green houses ( water vapour, Co2, Ch4) will re emits the infra red but it re-distrubetes -> some will go down back to earth surface.

 Enhanced greenhouse effects refers to the thickening of the greenhouse gas layer through pollutants such as carbon dioxide, methane which will absorb more infra red which will raise the temperature and can lead to climate change.

CFC - well known on the effect on the ozone layer.

1 comment:

  1. Well done getting to this point. The notes are accurate and complete
