Monday 19 September 2011

3. 9 a) Structure and function of Male reproductive system

Bladder : Store Urine

Testis : To carry out the process meiosis -> produce gamete = sperm cell

Epididymis: Store sperm cells

Vas deferens : Carry sperm sell to penis during sexual stimulation

Prostate : Contains 20%-30% volume of semen and is known to carry sugars and is alkali
               - The alkali is to neutralize the acidic secretion of the vagina

Seminal Vesicles : produce sugar based alkaline substances and contain 70% volume of semen

Urethra : Common tube which join the left and right testis and Vas deferens
               - Carry Semen and Urine down to Penis

Penis: Carry sperm cells into Vagina during sexual intercourse

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