Monday 24 October 2011

3.29 Species Variation

Every individual has a phenotype and the appearance for an individual for any of the characteristics is because of their genotype which is be variant to various degrees accordingly to the environment. 

Individual Phenotype = Genotype + Environment

Differences in the appearance of the indiviuals in an species is because they have different genotypes and they are surviving and living in different environments.

Vpop = Vgeneration + Venvironment

Example to this :

In the first example it shows variation that depends entirely on the genotype with no role of the environment. For example the blood groups.

In the second example it shows where the variation depends on the environment. With one example such as height, one might have been inherited the genotype to be short, however, a good diet may affect his height.
In the third example, it shows a variation in population which depends entirely on the environment. Genes have no roles to play here, for example, languages.

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