Monday 20 February 2012

5.5 Beer Production

Understand the role of yeast in the production of beer

Beer-- composed largely ethanol, which is a kind of alcohol
Equation = Glucose --Yeast/Enzyme--> Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide 

This reaction is in the form of anaerobic respiration which is carried out by yeast, which is a kind of microorganism able to supply the enzyme, to bring about this convert ion.

Ethanol is often flavored by the addition of plants such as hops

Glucose comes from starch in a two step process: 
1. Starch -----> Maltose 
Enzyme: amylase
Source: Barley seeds, wheat seed, rice
Starch is broken down through amylase through the germination of the seed, which is the stage called malting. 

2. Maltose -----> Glucose
Enzyme: Maltase

Credits to Michelle Huang

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